Student Life
At West Chester University
Extend the reach of your gift with co-curricular programs that prepare WCU students for life beyond the classroom. Your action today can fuel professional development experiences that help students hone lasting leadership skills.
Fund Their Future
Working with Student Affairs, we organize programming that propels career growth, reduces health risks, and more. Here’s where we’re focused this year:
Student Leadership Development Fund
Leadership doesn’t start at graduation. It starts here, today. Your gift can help fuel an on-campus “learning lab” where students can participate in leadership development experiences — and enhance University life for fellow Rams.
Dowdy Multicultural Center Endowment
Greater civility, inclusion, and leadership opportunities for students of color mean a stronger, more united WCU community. By contributing to this fund, you can take action to promote holistic success where it matters most.
Your Gift Matters.
WCU is recognized by the Carnegie Foundation for community engagement.